Reformer Pilates Classes in Seaford | Pricing & timetable
Looking for a Pilates studio in Seaford? We offer physio run reformer and mat-based Pilates classes for all experience levels and fitness goals. Call today!
Group Physiotherapy pilates is run by our Physiotherapists with a maximum number of 5 participants to ensure get the best care for your body.
Reformer Pilates Classes in Seaford | Pricing & timetable
Looking for a Pilates studio in Seaford? We offer physio run reformer and mat-based Pilates classes for all experience levels and fitness goals. Call today!
Group Physiotherapy pilates is run by our Physiotherapists with a maximum number of 5 participants to ensure get the best care for your body.
SEAFORD Physio Run Pilates

Group Physiotherapy and Clinical Strength is a safe, effective and specific class ideal for strengthening and increasing flexibility and is suitable for all fitness and injury levels.
At Physio + Fitness Clinic, we tailor our exercises according to your personal physical ability, bearing in mind any problematic areas you may have.
With a maximum of only five participants, you can rest assured that only correct and safe techniques will be performed.
To attend these sessions, we require a Start- Up Assessment so we can best understand your body, including any injuries that may be affecting you. This service may be claimable through your private health insurance.
Group Physiotherapy Run Reformer & Mat Classes
- Run by Physiotherapists
- Recommended for injury rehabilitation
- Claimable with Private Health Insurance
Clinical Strength Classes
Run by physiotherapists with a special interest in strength and conditioning.
A safe environment for those looking to step up their strength training.
Claimable with private health insurance.

SEAFORD Pilates Timetable 2024

Pilates Pricing
Clinical Pilates & Clinical Strengthening
40 min 1:1 assessment
with a Physio,
includes 2 free classes
Clinical Pilates & Clinical Strengthening
45 min class
with a Physio,
paid per class
Clinical Pilates & Clinical Strengthening
10 passes paid in advance,
valid for six months
from purchase
To start Pilates at PFC
call 9786 6642 or book online!
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