
Standing Chin Nod or Chin Tucks Exercise for Tech Neck

We are all guilty of scrolling on our phones with our heads down!⁠ Did you know this neck position has a nickname? It’s called ‘Tech Neck’! 

Unfortunately, tech neck can lead to headaches and pain spreading down our neck, shoulders and back! Oh no! 

But don’t worry, there are preventative measures we can take to avoid tech neck pain. ⁠

Your best defence is to start holding your phone at eye level, make sure your desk set up is at the correct level and add some chin nods into your daily routine.

Chin Nod / Chin Tuck Exercise

Standing-Chin-Nod -Chin-Tucks-Exercise-for-Tech-Neck
Standing-Chin-Nod -Chin-Tucks-Exercise-for-Tech-Neck

1 Minute Per Side 

  1. Begin by positioning yourself on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Slide your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist.
  3. Extend your left leg straight back, keeping it aligned with your hip.
  4. Flex your right foot and ensure that the right ankle is slightly in front of the right knee.
  5. Slowly lower your upper body down towards the floor, keeping your spine long and extended.
  6. Allow your forearms to rest on the mat or a cushion for support.
  7. Breathe deeply and relax into the stretch, feeling a gentle opening in your right hip and glute.
  8. Hold this position for 1 minute on each side, being mindful of any sensations of discomfort.
  9. Gently release the stretch and return to the starting position.
  10. Repeat on the other side by switching the position of your legs.

What is Tech Neck?

tech neck exercise

Tech neck, also known as the strain we put on our muscles while using phones, tablets, and computers. It is a problem that we see everywhere – at home, in offices, on the streets, and even while waiting in line. With the increasing amount of time people spend on their devices, this problem is only set to worsen.

Tech neck happens when we lean our neck down to look at our phone, tablet and computer. 

Tech Neck is neck pain caused by the posture we all so commonly find ourselves in when using our phones.⁠

This can eventually lead to headaches, pain spreading down the back or into the shoulders. Tech Neck is neck pain caused by the posture we all so commonly find ourselves in when using our phones.⁠

This can eventually lead to headaches, pain spreading down the back or into the shoulders. 

What can we do to help it Tech Neck?

Whilst myotherapists and physiotherapists can help with the symptoms of neck pain, the best defence is a good offence;

  • Start holding your phone at eye level
  • Make sure your monitor on your desk is at the correct height
  • Add some chin nods into your day

A good way to get in the habit is to do chin nods every time you’re in your car!⁠

Did you just fix your posture reading this??

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